Animal owners everywhere are embracing pet microchipping to enjoy peace of mind and security. A microchip is a small identification tag that shows a pet owner’s contact information when put under a scanner. When a pet goes missing, whoever finds it can use a scanner at a vet office or a shelter to help locate the owner.

There is a common misconception that a microchip is a type of tracking device, but it is not. You may put tracking devices on your pet’s ID tags, but microchipping will not ping your animal’s location. That said, you can’t go wrong with having multiple ways to identify your pet if they get lost.

Learn about the many benefits of pet microchipping, then contact Penny Paws Animal Clinic to get started.

Why Should You Microchip Cats and Dogs?

We recommend pet owners get a collar and tags for each pet, but believe a third measure is necessary. You can meet with a vet and participate in this short procedure to permanently identify your pet. They will inject your pet with a small shot under the skin, and you’ll register the microchip after it’s over.

Don’t wait too long to register the chip, as you may forget and think everything is all set. Experience relief knowing that, even if your pet wanders, they’re likely to get back into your arms soon enough. Some other key information to know about microchipping is as follows:

  • Microchipping is a more reliable alternative or supplement to identification tags and collars.
  • Thousands of pets have reconnected with their families because of their microchipping.
  • It isn’t just for cats and dogs. Owners can microchip rabbits, turtles, horses, hamsters, birds, and more.

Although some pet owners are wary, the one-time process of pet microchipping is extremely beneficial.

Increase the Chances of Reuniting With Your Pet

Studies have found that pet microchipping increases the chance a pet and owner will reunite. Perhaps the finder feels compelled to get the pet home once they know the it has a chip. After all, it’s nearly impossible to identify a stray animal with no microchip or form of identification like a tag or collar.

Pet disputes are awkward and frustrating, but they happen more often than you may think. Pets like black labs, orange cats, golden retrievers can look very similar to one another. Comparing photos to clarify ownership can lead to false identification and a pet going home with the wrong person.

You can know for sure if you’ve found your pet by scanning its microchip. If it’s yours, it will match with your contact information. If not, you can get in touch with its owner and continue searching for your best friend.

It Offers Permanent Identification

Microchips are attractive procedures because it only takes a few minutes, and it provides lasting results. You will only need one microchip for each pet, and there are typically no follow-ups necessary after its installation. While tags and collars can break or fall off, you don’t have to worry about durable microchips.

If you ever lose the information that goes with the microchip, don’t worry. Our staff can scan it at one of our veterinary clinics and assist you. Trying to insert a second microchip is not helpful and may interfere with the frequencies when scanned, so follow the correct steps for the one you have.

It’s Tamper Proof and Secure

A pet microchip is a secure form of identification, but is not a GPS locator. These chips are the size of a rice grain and are impossible to remove from your animal’s body without vet assistance. People with harmful intentions cannot easily claim ownership of your pet and remove the microchip.

A veterinarian will only remove a microchip if there is a health threat they must consider. Microchips offer no threats and minimal risks.

It Stores Your Contact Information

Once your pet has the microchip inside its body, you’ll need to complete the most critical step — filling out your contact information. You will register the chip to the nationwide database to ensure it’s active. You’ll submit your name, email address, street address, phone number, and emergency contacts.

You must remember to update the information on file as changes occur in your life. If you get a new phone number, switch emergency contacts, or move, you’ll want to make sure the company has the correct data. It will matter tremendously if your pet does get lost before updating your details.

Why Do Pets Get Separated from Their Owners?

Pet microchipping increases the likelihood they’ll get home, so long as whoever finds an animal will scan for a chip at an animal shelter or vet. A family pet can get lost or separated for a variety of reasons.

Some of the main reasons are:

  • Broken or Faulty Enclosures- Over time, fences may weaken or break, and sometimes your cat or dog may find a way to slip out. Locks on gate doors may not latch if not closed completely.
  • Pet Thieves – Unfortunately, there are some people who look for any opportunity to grab an animal. Whether they want it for their own family or to make money, the reasons are never good. When an owner has their back turned in public, they may make their move.
  • Social Situations – Does your pet seem more stressed around the holidays? Many animals feel overwhelmed when the house is full of unfamiliar guests, smells, and sights. If everyone is coming and going, a pet has the opportunity to make it outside and get lost.
  • Anxiety – Pets try to get away from danger or things that make them afraid. During thunderstorms or blizzards, they may panic and run away. A pet could end up losing its trail and struggling to find its way back home.

Microchip Your Pet with a Vet at Penny Paws Animal Clinic

Penny Paws Animal Clinic has multiple animal clinics, mobile vaccination clinics, and telemedicine appointments. We can walk you through our process of pet microchipping and keep your pets by your side. We’ve helped hundreds of pet owners microchip their best friends and we’re to help you too!